Monday, May 21, 2012

Re-membering to Breathe

According to some faith traditions, the essential human problem is forgetfulness. We forget who we are. We forget Whose we are. Healing and wholeness come through remembering or, more literally, re-membering. All the broken pieces of life, all the members, are brought back together. They are remembered or recollected.

Interestingly, remembering is a present experience, not past nostalgia. Allowing the anxious mind to rest by focusing on the breath is one route to remembering. We remember now or not at all. Re-membering is a non-dual awakening to the wholeness and fullness of life. The following poem arose within me through an experience of remembering:

Re-membering to Breathe

Sometimes I forget
That life is beautiful
That red flowers blossom in spring
And the diaper clad child
Plays joyfully after naptime

Sometimes I forget
About rivers flowing effortlessly
So I push the river in fear that it will not flow
Sometimes I forget

Sometimes I forget
That love brought us into being,
That we live and move and have our being
In a love that
Will not let go

Sometimes I forget
To breathe
But breathing continues
Even in the forgetfulness
Of my broken heart

Sometimes I forget
To breathe
Until reminded by a friend
One breath at a time
To re-member life, to re-member wholeness

Now I remember
I remember to re-collect
The colored broken glass
So that joyous light, shining through,
May awaken my memory of beauty, so

I remember
That life is beautiful
That red flowers blossom in spring
And the diaper clad child
Plays joyfully after naptime

I remember that rivers
Flow effortlessly
Without needing my push
To make them flow
I remember

I remember because
Sometimes I forget
And in the beauty that is life
Forgetting allows gracious friends
To remind me to re-member

*The idea of not needing "to push the river" is from Father Richard Rohr.


  1. Beautiful, Mark, the spiritual reflection in prose and poetry. I just love your poem-- simple, sparse, lovely.

    I'm going to try not to push the river today.

